The Full Story

About Genevieve

A lifelong herbal-medicine enthusiast, Genevieve Sahakian founded Living Longer out of a profound passion for educating others about the tremendous healing power of plants. During her three decades in the electrical-engineering field, the Southern California native gained firsthand insight into the inner workings of the healthcare industry—an experience that fueled her desire to explore science-backed alternatives to Western medicine and its largely pharmaceutical-based approach to wellness. With the launch of Living Longer, Genevieve has now merged her analytical savvy and boundless curiosity in a one-of-a-kind platform that empowers its users to take full charge of their health.


Originally from San Jose, California, Genevieve first discovered her fascination with the therapeutic potential of botanicals at an incredibly young age. All throughout her childhood, she routinely accompanied her mother to a local herb shop and soon developed an intense interest in the plant-derived remedies prescribed by the herbalist/acupuncturist on staff.


As she embarked on her career as an electrical designer—a vocation that involved working closely with hospitals, fertility clinics, and assorted other medical settings—Genevieve continued with the self-directed research she’d undertaken as a child, covering such diverse topics as immune defense, energy maintenance, enhanced longevity, and prevention of major disease.


Through her many years of inquiry into systems of medicine from all across the globe, she established a near-encyclopedic base of knowledge that extends to lesser-known plants like the Agaricus blazei Murill mushroom (a substance said to aid in the treatment of illnesses like diabetes and some forms of cancer). A highly discerning home cook, Genevieve has also devoted years to cultivating a dietary regimen that astutely taps into the medicinal properties of food.


For Genevieve, Living Longer marks the natural outcome of her genuine love of sharing her wealth of findings with all those who might benefit from the health-enriching effects of plants. To that end, she remains firmly committed to deepening and expanding her knowledge so that all members of the Living Longer community may attain long-lasting vitality and a truly vibrant quality of life.

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